October 19, 2011

I'm B-ack

Yes, it's true......I "re-arrived" at St Judes on Monday October 17th. This time I flew all the way connecting from Nairobi to Kilimanjaro via Precision Air. It was just on sunset on a clear evening as we approached my final destination and the sun shining on the snow of Kilimanjaro made a spectacular backdrop to what is becoming a greener Tanzania.

The "short rains" have thankfully arrived (this description refers to their duration rather than the size of the rain itself!).

Laura met me in a school bus and we were soon back at Usa secondary Campus (now re-named Smith campus after the family who has provided the funds to build this amazing facility). Helen and Bernice had made dinner and I caught up on the latest news before heading off to bed. It was wonderful to be in the horizontal position again after a 24 hour journey.

The days are longer here now so I was awake in plenty of time to have breakfast before starting the English Language Exams for the teachers at 8.30am the next morning.

Thirty five teachers undertook three hours of written papers which is a culmination of their ESL studies this year. (It is also the culmination of the work Laura and I have been doing for the last 5 months!)

Now the marking begins.............

Today, Wednesday we have had a full day of speaking tests with the same group of teachers. These will continue for the rest of the week. Next week Laura and I will go to the Primary campus to begin testing the 84 teachers there.

This morning, Cindy Smith (of Smith campus fame) was able to sit in on the first speaking test I conducted  (no pressure though!).

Also today, Laura and I laid out some mats Mr Rasul had found on the tiled floor of the ESL room to try to reduce the echo (especially with the listening test coming up). They work to some extent however, we were then informed by the teachers that, as the mats are in fact Islamic in design, we should, out of respect, take our shoes off before walking on them. Of course we can comply but footwear choices are now dictated not only by the mud and rain but also ease of removal. A lot to think about early in the morning!

No photos yet  (people taking exams is not visually very exciting) but hopefully I will be able to get some up after the weekend.

Hope all is well with you all on the other side of the world. Text me anytime.