October 29, 2011

Arusha Snake Park

Today, Saturday October 29th Laura and Helen invited me to come along with them to the Snake Park.Well, not just them, they were taking Razia (Laura's sponsored student) and Alex (Helen's step-mother's sponsored student for the day). I was very pleased to come along.

Razia is in Year 7 and Alex in Year 9. They had no doubt been up since the crack of dawn as these kids have very little opportunity to go out anywhere. A St Jude's bus brought them and Miss Helen from Smith campus into Arusha at 10am where Miss Laura and I were waiting with the dula dula that we had hired for the day.

It was about a half hour drive out of town and this included going past the airport (which Razia was seeing for the first time) and a Maasai boma.

At the Snake Park (which is a bit as Australia Zoo was before Steve Irwin took over) we had a guide who enlightened us on just how many snakes there were in Africa and the many different ways they could kill you. For example there is one that rears up and bites you on the top of the head! Another can simple swallow you whole whilst another spits in your eyes first to blind you before biting you!

Well it's a good thing that the park's main purpose is to collect venom for antivenins.

Here are Laura and Razia (and yes that's a snake around Laura's neck!)

Once through the snake section we moved on to other reptiles.

Here is Alex petting a 3 year old crocodile our guide is holding.

So what could be the final delight...............................?

Try to guess before scrolling  down

Did you guess camels? Now that was something I don't think they'll forget too quickly.

I left the happy foursome back in Arusha to do some shopping while they went on to lunch and a movie. Yes, first time in a cinema for both of them. Fortunately or otherwise the only suitable movie showing was Planet of the Apes. Would have made for an interesting conversation on the way home I'm sure.