July 04, 2011

School Assembly

School assembly is held every week at Usa River Secondary on Thursdays at 1.30pm.

The staff and students sit on benches in a large covered area that doubles as basketball courts. There is a stage at one end. The student presidents run the assembly.

After an opening prayer, the assembled school sings the national anthem and the Secondary School Song.

At this stage there are only two words I know in the national anthem - Africa and Tanzania.

I am much better at the school song as it is sung in English with actions. The chorus is:
From primary to secondary
Is a long journey
But working as a team
Leads us to greater success

As there is no musical accompaniment, someone on the stage sings the first line and then we begin. The singing is sensational.The final chorus is sung more slowly to indicate that it is the last.

People who are called up onto the stage are accompanied by traditional drumming.

There is generally a skit put on by one of the classes (always with a strong moral point), a time for awards and announcements.

When there are visitors, they are asked to introduce themselves and are often invited to hand out the awards. Children who receive an award get a certificate and a few pencils and perhaps a paper whistle or a rubber.

Teachers are called either Mr or Miss and then their first name. So I am Miss Jill. Even though I am married because my husband is not known to the others, I still keep my name. If Steven were here I would be Mrs Steven.