August 25, 2011

A Tourist in Arusha

Leaving St Judes  was difficult. I have made so many good friends there and on my last day they surprised me with gifts and a special party put on by the office team - Mary, Grace, MJ, Elizabeth and Marietta. I felt very loved and appreciated and so sad to be going.

In the evening Helen prepared a special "hello and goodbye" meal for Steven and another guest of Ian and Mary's from Holland.

Then I had one day to be a tourist in Arusha.
My good friend Laura (who had her husband, sister, son and daughter-in-law visiting) had a arranged a duladula for the day to take us about.

In the morning we went to the Cultural Heritage Centre. This is a fantastic facility and worthy of a good few hours to explore everything.

From there we went to Shanga Shanga which is a wonderful place where disabled people make the most fantastic jewellery  - mainly from recycled glass.

(They also do a spectacular lunch that we enjoyed greatly!)